Mark Lynch, who retweeted
Here are some books which may interest readers of this blog:
- The long peace: Ottoman Lebanon, 1861-1920 by Engin Deniz Akarli
- Dialogue and history: constructing South India, 1795-1895 by Eugene F Irschick
- Women and economics: a study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Afghanistan: the Soviet invasion and the Afghan response, 1979-1982 by M. Hasan Kakar
- The temptations of evolutionary ethics by Paul Lawrence Farber
- Political economy and the rise of capitalism: a reinterpretation by David McNally
- Inquisition and society in the kingdom of Valencia, 1478-1834 by Stephen Haliczer
- Making Muslim space in North America and Europe by Barbara Daly Metcalf
- The rise of Islam and the Bengal frontier, 1204-1760 by Richard Maxwell Eaton
- Khomeinism: essays on the Islamic Republic by Ervand Abrahamian
- The Muslims of Valencia in the age of Fernando and Isabel: between coexistence and crusade by Mark D Meyerson
- Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918 by Hasan Kayali
- Tortured confessions: prisons and public recantations in modern Iran
by Ervand Abrahamian
- May her likes be multiplied: biography and gender politics in Egypt
by Marilyn Booth
- The culture of sectarianism: community, history, and violence in nineteenth-century Ottoman Lebanon by Ussama Samir Makdisi
- Rediscovering Palestine: merchants and peasants in Jabal Nablus, 1700-1900 by Beshara Doumani
- Human rights and reform: changing the face of North African politics by Susan Eileen Waltz
- The travels of Dean Mahomet: an eighteenth-Century journey through India by Sake Deen Mahomet
- Rebel and saint: Muslim notables, populist protest, colonial encounters (Algeria and Tunisia, 1800-1904) by Julia A Clancy-Smith
- The politics of Muslim cultural reform: jadidism in Central Asia by Khalid Adeeb
and many more.