
Saturday, September 24, 2022

Recommendation: "Minor Detail" by Adania Shibli


The incident took place on a morning that would coincide, exactly a quarter of a century later, with the morning of my birth. Of course, this may seem like pure narcissism, the fact that what drew me to the incident, what made it begin haunting me, was the presence of a detail that is really quite minor when compared to the incident's major details, which can only be described as tragic. It's completely plausible, though, for this type of narcissism to exist in someone. It's an innate tendency, one might say, toward a belief in the uniqueness of the self, toward regarding the life one leads so highly that one cannot but love life and everything about it. [p. 58]

In 2021, the One Book, Many Communities project of Librarians and Archivists with Palestine selected Minor Detail by Adania Shibli and translated by Elisabeth Jacquette.

Don't stop talking about Palestine.

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