
Sunday, May 08, 2022

Recommendation: "Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear" by Mosab Abu Toha


I'm not going to pretend I have put enough effort into reading Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear, a collection of poems by Mosab Abu Toha (Twitter), to write a review. Professor Mosab is a Palestinian from Gaza. As I've mentioned in another blog entry, poetry uses a language which requires the use of brain regions which for me are quite undeveloped. Nevertheless, I'm recommending this book for a few reasons:

  • When I did put effort into thinking about the poems, Mosab's words rewarded me.
  • I listened to an interview and found Mosab to be engaging. He has another virtual interview May 14, 2022 in which you can "meet" him.
  • The published volume includes photographs with thoughtful captions and a written interview with Mosab.
  • I don't want anything to do with any activist in USA, especially Muslim, who thinks supporting Palestinians incurs too high a cost.