
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Mona Eltahawy Review of Season 1 of "We Are Lady Parts"

Season 2 is scheduled to be released beginning May 30, 2024scheduled to be released beginning May 30, 2024 on Peacock.

I had earlier recommended Hind Makki's review of Season 1 of the TV show We Are Lady Parts. A month before, Mona Eltahawy published her reasons why the show is outstanding:

To have had a show like We Are Lady Parts while I was in my 20s and fighting off Niqabis on the Metro, the Brigade of Hijabis-Aren’t-Supposed-To-Watch-Wild-At-Heart, and the You’re-Making-Us-Look-Bad so-called friends, would have freed up so much of my cosmic energy, I might have truly taken over the world. -- read more --