
Friday, February 06, 2015

Reclaiming Malcolm X & Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative

The Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative is sponsoring a series of programs under the label "Reclaiming Malcolm X." I don't want to try to summarize my impressions because I want you to listen to the programs as the recordings become available and participate in face-to-face or online discussions.

For online discussions, follow the Twitter hashtag #xspeaks. Another program was held and people tweeted under the hashtag #LegacyX.

Also, try to catch the live reenactments of Malcolm's final speeches in the days before his assassination.

I also want to plug my review of Manning Marable's book on Malcolm and my review of Sherman Jackson's Islam and the Blackamerican.

Note: A previous version of this blog entry misidentified The Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative as "Coalition."