
Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Living Shrines of Uyghur China by Lisa Ross

Friends of God: Sufi Shrines in Western China
Ian Johnson reviewed Friends of God: Sufi Shrines in Western China by Lisa Ross in The New York Review of Books. Some photos are on exhibit at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York through July 8, 2013.

NPR also published a piece about the book, with some photos. La Journal de La Photographie also published an introduction to Lisa Ross's work, and it has some pictures as well. There's also an article in The Wall Street Journal. Lisa Ross also participated in a Rubin Museum of Art podcast episode (iTunes).

If you are in NYC, you can meet her for lunch today, May 8, at 1:00 PM.

I have not read the book. Hat tip to Omar Sacirbey, editor of Moozweek.