
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Help Muslim Journeys Reach Your Local Library

This blog has long promoted Unity Productions Foundation (UPF). In its September 2012 newsletter, it asks its supporters to encourage their local libraries to apply for the American Library Association (ALA) Muslim Journeys Bookshelf and to offer their services as content experts (or recruit one!). The deadline to apply has been extended to October 25, 2012.
Listen to ALA Public and Cultural Programs Advisory Committee Chair Terrilyn Chun interviewing Daniel Tutt, Outreach Director of Unity Productions Foundation.

The Muslim Journeys Bookshelf is one of five planned National Endowment for the Humanities Building Cultures bookshelves.

P.S. View the 25 books the grant promotes. I've reviewed one book and linked to an external review for another. I'm acquiring the remaining and intend to review them as I can (or recruit reviewers).

P.P.S. The crazies are opposing this program. Jan 10, 2013